Lord Skanda-Murugan

Install Mylai font

This site uses Mylai font. Mylai font and the keyboard layout for Mylai were developed by Dr. K. Kalyanasundaram. Please visit his site at http://www.geocities.com/athens/5180/ for more information. He also maintains the Tamil Electronic Texts Library. Murugan Bhakti would like to thank Dr K. Kalayanasundram for giving us permission to redistribute the font.

Mylai font is freely available for Windows, Macintosh and Unix. It is easy to install.

  • You should be using either Netscape Navigator 3.0 or higher OR Microsoft Explorer 3.0 or higher to automatically view information in Tamil. If you are using any other browser or a earlier version of these browsers, you may require additional settings. Best seen in browsers Netscape 4.0 and Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher.
    NOTE: Your browser should have style sheets enabled for these pages to display properly.
  • Windows 3.1, Windows 95/98/2000, Windows NT users.
    1. D o w n l o a d the MylaiPlain Tamil font (28,512 bytes) now if you have not already done so. It is very easy. 
    2. C l i c k  h e r e  and you will see a dialog box asking you to save. 
    3. Save the font MylaiPlain in your \Windows\Fonts directory.
    4. Exit your browser and start it again. You are now ready to read using Mylai font.
    O R :
    1. Download MylaiPlain to a temporary directory.
    2. Open your control panel group and launch the font utility program.
    3. Using the install menu option, select the saved font and install the font.
    4. Exit your browser and start it again. You are now ready to read using Mylai font.
  • Macintosh users.

Index of sacred texts in Tamil, Sanskrit and English