Lord Skanda-Murugan

The concept of the absolute in Kantar Anuputi


 (C.R. Krishnamurti, Professor Emeritus, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada and P. Rathanaswami, Scientist 11, Immgenics Pharmaceuticals, Vancouver, Canada.)


The theological concept of absolute reality enunciated by the fifteenth century poet-saint, Arunakiri Nathar (`R]kirinatrf) is summarized in this paper. He has recorded his experience into the nature of reality in Kantar Anuputi (knftrf `{p>ti), one of the three books he has written on Kantan (knft[f). The work contains 51 poems, all of which bear his own inimitable style of Tamil poetry with a nice blend of rhymes and rhythms.

The absolute realty is referred to as Kantan and is defined as formless, nameless and far above the comprehension of the common senses. The only way of experiencing the bliss of the reality is through wisdom (pti wa[mf).

The object of every soul is to reach conformity with this absolute reality. The major stumbling blocks (tAdkq) to experiencing the reality (anuputi, `{p>ti) are the three desires (YMvaAckq), the three inherent defects (Mmfmlgfkqf), knowledge of only the world (pac wa[mf mdfDmf)) without the concomitant knowledge of the Supreme and the influence of one's undesirable activities (tIviA[). As the result one is plunged into eternal cycles of births and deaths.

The author outlines different means of achieving unison with the absolute reality. These include the knowledge of reality (pti wa[mf), the grace of the Supreme (tiRvRqf), the teachings of a guru (KR), meditation on the Supreme (tiya[mf), silence (emq[mf), good deeds (n[fe[bi), and prayer (Tti). The author has thus incorporated all the tenets of Saivism in his work and has, in addition, made them understandable by the elite and common folks alike. His focus on the formless Supreme and the elucidation of the means to achieve the divine experience render his concepts universal and contemporary.